Saturday, September 28, 2019

A Wish Come True

Sunset on Max Patch
When a dear friend asks to see a sunrise or sunset at one of the most beautiful spots on earth, how can anyone say "No"? Max Patch, located in the Pisgah National Forest, is glorious any time of the day or year, but sunrise and sunset bathe the bald in exquisite beauty.
On our way up the mountain, we took a detour to check out a waterfall off the beaten path. 
 There hasn't been enough rain for the waterfall to be impressive, but this jewel tucked away is lovely nevertheless. 
The Appalachian Trail crosses the top of the bald. James and Sheila paused to admire the 360 degree beauty of the surrounding valleys and mountain.

As we ate our supper atop the bald, we watched showers move along the valleys we had earlier passed. 

Looking carefully at the farthest peaks, you can see Mt. Cammerer jutting out. Rain showers off in the distance posed no immediate threat.
 In fact behind us on display for an awed audience was a full arched rainbow. As we marveled at the sight, a double rainbow appeared, a prelude to the visual symphony to follow. 

Nature's spectacle created a memory of double wonder for our friend Sheila.
And then the show began! 

  We headed back to the vehicle continuing to admire nature's glorious show before us.
 What an amazing end to a memorable mountaintop experience!

1 comment:

  1. It has been too long since I have been to Max Patch. God is gracious to have allowed us to be near and in the mountains and enjoy the beauty of what He has made. It is but a gray preview of His beauty we will see in heaven and praise forever.
